mardi 28 avril 2015


Mise en ligne le 29 mars 2008
The world famous song of Aznavour and Garvarentz "Ils Sont Tombés"´, here performed by the greatest armenian folk singer born out of Armenia Mrs.Mirta Satdjian, live in a public concert in tribute of the millions of victims of the Armenian Holocaust of 1915-23 commited by the turk-otoman empire and the "father of the new Turkey" Mustafá Kemal. Please note that the artist Mirta Satdjian´s vocal training is focalized on armenian folkloric music, which is considerably difficult and different from melodic and pop singing techniques.

MIRTA SATDJIAN (Armenian Folkloric Singer) Mirta Satdjian was born in Buenos Aires and grew up in a typical armenian family. She did her musical improvement with professors like Lucy Saborio, Gracia Domínguez and Mari de Camps. In 1977 makes her musical debut in the "Coliseo" theater of Buenos Aires by the hand of the great popular singer Arturo Kouyoumdjian (passed away recently). In the 80´s she was the soloist of the worldwide famous group "Música Armenia 100x100" performing a large folkloric repertoire of armenian selected songs along Brasil, Uruguay and lots of stages in Argentina (cities of Córdoba, Rosario and Buenos Aires). In 1983 was granted with a full scholarship from the Linkage Comitee for Armenia-Diaspora Cultural Relations in Armenia (Spiurkahaiutian hed Mshagutain Gabi Gomide), for the enhancement of her studies in armenian music, studying in Erevan´s "Gomidas" highest conservatoire with teachers like Robert Amirkhanian, Khatchadur Avedissian, Hovhannes Badalian (listen to her performance with him in VORDEGH KDNDEM KEZ, here in Youtube, recorded in Armenia), Alosha Adjemian and others. Her classmates were some of the actual most popular musicians and performers of Armenia: Ararat Petrossian (shviahar), Marine Petrossian (singer), Susana Safarian (singer) and Tovmas Boghosian (singer). During her living in Armenia, she recorded and gave many concerts across the country with Aram Merangulian´s Armenian Popular Music Ensemble of the Radio and Television. In 2003 she performed and recorded with the "Kusan" Armenian folkloric Ensemble (of 15 armenian-argentinian members) of the city of Córdoba (Argentina). Also she was invited many times to sing in massive concerts with the 35 years old "Nor Arax" Armenian musical group of Buenos Aires. In 2005 gaves a multitudinary recital in "Surp Krikor Lusavoritch" cathedral in Buenos Aires performing popular and folkloric Armenian songs, which repeats by request of her fans in the "Armenia" Auditorium. Actually, besides her artistic career, she is an Armenian Popular Music teacher and, since april 2005, the artistic conductress of the successful teen-musical singing and dancing ensamble "Haistars", performing a large repertoire of armenian popular songs in Armenian. Also, she is the conductress of the twice awarded armenian cultural radio program "Armenia, un lugar en el mundo" in FM 89.3 SENSITIVE (saturdays 12:00 to 13:00 Buenos Aires MT)

Lyrics of the original song (not tralated to armenian in this song)

Ils sont tombés sans trop savoir pourquoi
Hommes, femmes et enfants qui ne voulaient que vivre
Avec des gestes lourds comme des hommes ivres
Mutilés, massacrés les yeux ouverts d'effroi
Ils sont tombés en invoquant leur Dieu
Au seuil de leur église ou le pas de leur porte
En troupeaux de désert titubant en cohorte
Terrassés par la soif, la faim, le fer, le feu

Nul n'éleva la voix dans un monde euphorique
Tandis que croupissait un peuple dans son sang
L' Europe découvrait le jazz et sa musique
Les plaintes de trompettes couvraient les cris d'enfants
Ils sont tombés pudiquement sans bruit
Par milliers, par millions, sans que le monde bouge
Devenant un instant minuscules fleurs rouges
Recouverts par un vent de sable et puis d'oubli

Ils sont tombés les yeux pleins de soleil
Comme un oiseau qu'en vol une balle fracasse
Pour mourir n'importe où et sans laisser de traces
Ignorés, oubliés dans leur dernier sommeil
Ils sont tombés en croyant ingénus
Que leurs enfants pourraient continuer leur enfance
Qu'un jour ils fouleraient des terres d'espérance
Dans des pays ouverts d'hommes aux mains tendues

Moi je suis de ce peuple qui dort sans sépulture
Qu'a choisi de mourir sans abdiquer sa foi
Qui n'a jamais baissé la tête sous l'injure
Qui survit malgré tout et qui ne se plaint pas
Ils sont tombés pour entrer dans la nuit
Éternelle des temps au bout de leur courage
La mort les a frappés sans demander leur âge
Puisqu'ils étaient fautifs d'être enfants d'Arménie

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