samedi 27 octobre 2018

En 2013 - courriers avec les fédérations félines

Qui prendra la relève ? Je n'ai abouti à rien en 2013 !

A quel service dois-je m'adresser pour obtenir la révision d'une classification concernant le chat de Van. Il figure actuellement sous la mention "chat turc de Van"? Or ce chat n'est turc ni de loin, ni de près?
Son origine très ancienne , avant même que n'existe la Turquie, se trouve dur le plateau arménien, près du Lac de Van (Arménie historique).
Même si ce territoire est actuellement occupé par la turquie, cela ne doit en aucun cas interférer sur l'origine du chat.
Nous ne demandons pas que l'appellation soit "chat arménien de Van", mais au moins "Chat de Van". L'origine parlera d'elle-même.
Quelles démarches faut-il faire, de quels justificatifs avez-vous besoin, pour obtenir la rectification d'un état de fait qui n'a que trop duré. La Turquie s'approprie sans vergogne le patrimoine qui n'est pas le sien, forte de l'ignorance ou du peu de curiosité des services ou des instances qui en décident.
Il est bon aussi que vous sachiez qu'il y a peu (2001), les turcs avaient décidé de tuer la race ... et avaient commencé l'exécution de leur projet - une action abominable que les arméniens ne pourraient jamais imaginer - jusqu'au moment où ils comprirent l'intérêt qu'il y aurait à la maintenir...
Merci de votre aide, nous ne souhaitons que le rétablissement d'un fait trop longtemps occulté.
Dans l'espoir de vous lire,

Dzovinar Melkonian
Association arménienne des Deux-Catalognes

Ci-dessous la référence actuelle du Chat de Van
63 Turkish van TUV

la Fédération Internationale Féline - FIFe, l'Association des Cat Fanciers - CFA, l'Association internationale Cat - TICA, World Cat Federation - WCF et la Fédération australienne de chat - ACF, ainsi que, en Nouvelle-Zélande Cat Fancy - NZCF qui a rejoint en 2001 et les trois nouveaux membres, la coordination Cat Council of Australia - CCC de A, Conseil d'administration du Cat Fancy - GCCF, Royaume-Uni et de l'Afrique australe Conseil Cat - SACC, qui a rejoint en 2006.

Fédération Féline Française - FFF
Route de la Gare
FR-69460 Le Perréon
Pres: Mr. Robert Lubrano -
Sec: Mrs. Betty Collomb
Vice-Pres: Mr. Nicolas Revenant (information in English)
Tel. +33 476220796
Mob.: +33 671614845
web site:

 Nouvelle-Zélande Cat Fancy

Australian Cat Federation Inc. - ACF - Australian Cat Federation Inc.
Secretary: Mrs Nell Evans
P O Box 331
Port Adelaide BC
SA 5015
Telephone: 08 8449 5880

Association des Cat Fanciers - CFA - Général :
- pour des renseignements généraux
Co-0rdinating Cat Council of Australia - CCC de A - NSWCFA -
Fédération Internationale Féline - FIFe - (fait)
Conseil d'administration du Cat Fancy - GCCF - -
Nouvelle-Zélande Cat Fancy - NZCF -
Southern Cat Conseil africain - SACC
L'Association internationale Cat - TICA -
World Cat Federation - WCF -
 WCF et la Fédération australienne de chat


WCF et la Fédération australienne de chat 

Anneliese Hackmann 
Geisbergstr. 2
D-45139 Essen
Tél.:      +49-(0)-201-555 724
Fax:      +49-(0)-201-552 747
Sehr geehrte Frau Präsidentin, Sehr geehrte Herr Präsident,
Welcher Instanz müsste ich hinwenden, um die Revision der  Klassifizierung der Van-Katze zu erlangen ?
Sie wird im Moment als « türkische Van-Katze » definiert.
Dabei ist diese Katze keineswegs türkisch.
Ihr Ursprung befindet sich auf der anatolischen Hochebene, in der Nähe des Van-Sees, im historischen Armenien, in einer Zeit, wo die Türkei noch nich existierte. 
 Sogar wenn dieses Gebiet heute unter türkischen Verwaltung liegt, darf dies keineswegs die Herkunft der Katze beeinflussen.
Wir fordern nicht, dass sie « armenische Katze von Van » genannt wird, aber wenigstens « Van-Katze ». Die Herkunft wird für sich selbst sprechen.  
  Was müssen wir tun, welche Belege brauchen Sie, damit wir die Revision einer seit zu langer Zeit bestehenden Tatsache erhalten? Die Türkei  eignet sich eine Erbe , das ihr nicht gehört an, indem sie die Unwissenheit und die mangelnde Neugierde der zuständigen Behörden.
Sie müssensich auch bewusst sein,dass 2001 die Türkei versucht hat diese Katzenart auszurotten ! (...woran die Armenier nie gedacht hatten !) Sie hatte den Prozess in Gang gebracht, bis sie festgestellt hat, dass sie  sie besser überlebenlässt. 
Danke für Ihre Hilfe; wir wünschen nur die Anerkennung einer zu lange vergessenen Tatsache.
Mit der Hoffnung Ihrer Inachtnehmung,
Freundliche Grüße

Dzovinar Melkonian
Association Arménienne des Deux-Catalognes
Perpignan - Frankreich
Anbei die aktuelle Referenz der Van-Katze
63 Turkish van TUV


Dear Mrs........................, Dear Mr ...................................

Which department should I contact for the revision of a classification about the Van cat?
It is currently listed under the designation "Turkish Van cat".
But this cat is not "turkish" at all.
Its origin is very ancient (long before Turkey even existed) on the Armenian plateau, near Lake Van, in historical Armenia.
Even if this territory is occupied by Turkey, this should in not interfere with the origin of the cat.
We are not asking for the name to be necessarily "Armenian Van cat", but at least "Van Cat". The origin speaks for itself.
Which steps should we follow, what evidence do you need for the rectification of a situation which has lasted too long already. Turkey shamelessly claims ownership of a heritage that is not its own, taking advantage of the ignorance or lack of curiosity of the departments in charge of these questions. 
You should also know that just a few years ago (2001), the Turks had decided to annihilate the race... and began the execution of their project - an abominable action Armenians could never imagine - until they realized the benefit they could have to keep it.
Thank you for your help, we want to restore a fact that has been hidden for too long.
Hoping to hear from you,

Dzovinar Melkonian
Armenian Association of Two Catalonias
Below the current reference of the Van cat
63 Turkish van TUV

Mail de :
lbowers @ ti  (

Dear Mrs. Dzovinar,

We did receive your first email concerning the Van Cat.  I sent you email addresses for the Genetics Committee and the Turkish Van Breed committee which can be found on the web at  These would be the people to contact with your issues.

Genetics Committee
Chair:  Solveig Pflueger,
Adriana Kajon,
Massimo Picardello,
Heather E. Lorimer,
Heather Roberts,
Ellen Crockett,
Nancy Parkinson,


Leslie Bowers
Business Manager
Phone:  956/428-8046
Fax:  956/428-8047

Wherever you are, you're in TICA's world!


"Turkish Van cat".‏
Chris Lowe (

Ajouter aux contacts

À : Dzovinar Melkonian

Hello Dzovinar - thank you for your communication - I have referred this matter onto our Portfolio Manager who deals with Breed Standards for discussion with the Council.  I will contact you when I have received a response.
Thank you

Chris M Lowe (Mrs)
Executive Council Secretary
43 Walker Road West RD 2 Katikati 3178
Ph: 07 5492752


Dzovinar Melkonian

À :

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

Which department should I contact for the revision of a classification about the Van cat?
It is currently listed under the designation "Turkish Van cat".
But this cat is not "turkish" at all.

Its origin is very ancient (long before Turkey even existed) on the Armenian plateau, near Lake Van, in historical Armenia.

Even if this territory is occupied by Turkey, this should in not interfere with the origin of the cat.

We are not asking for the name to be necessarily "Armenian Van cat", but at least "Van Cat". The origin speaks for itself.

Which steps should we follow, what evidence do you need for the rectification of a situation which has lasted too long already. Turkey shamelessly claims ownership of a heritage that is not its own, taking advantage of the ignorance or lack of curiosity of the departments in charge of these questions. 

You should also know that just a few years ago (2001), the Turks had decided to annihilate the race... and began the execution of their project - an abominable action Armenians could never imagine - until they realized the benefit they could have to keep it.

Thank you for your help, we want to restore a fact that has been hidden for too long.

Hoping to hear from you,


(Mrs) Dzovinar Melkonian
Armenian Association of Two Catalonias
Perpignan - France

Below the current reference of the Van cat
63 Turkish van TUV

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À : Dzovinar Melkonian

Hello Dzovinar - thank you for your communication - I have referred this matter onto our Portfolio Manager who deals with Breed Standards for discussion with the Council.  I will contact you when I have received a response.

Thank you
Chris M Lowe (Mrs)
Executive Council Secretary
43 Walker Road West RD 2 Katikati 3178
Ph: 07 5492752


A: «Dzovinar Melkonian '

Salut Mme Dzovinar,

Désolé - Oui, votre e-mail a été reçu et sera lu lors de notre réunion du comité de gestion qui se tiendra le 8 ème d'Octobre 2013.


Cheryl Dourish

Cc :

Honorable Mr. Reijers,

We would like to pay to your attention this demand concerning the “Cat of Van” which is actually enlisted in your nomenclature as “Turkish Van Cat”.

We don’t underestimate the complications that this demand may make troubles to you but we do hope to share a point of view with you, dictated by importance much more than symbolic that’s for us the modification of this name: it would be only justice to merely modify the name “Turkish cat” to “Van Cat”.

In fact, the oldest origin of this cat dates back  to hundreds even thousands centuries. It dates to the period when the Region of Van was part of Historic Armenia and that Turkey didn’t exist yet.

To add the word “turkish” to this cat’s name is a mistake, at the same time a suffering for us as we are humiliated because of forgotten existence, here also. The Region of Van is actually occupied by Turkey but this shouldn’t influence the origin of the cat.

If your important organization would like to give an impulsion by modifying its’ name others would follow your example which would let by justified humanistic act the recognition of reality, hidden to date.

We do hope to attract your attention and convince you.

Please accept, honorable Mr. Eric Reijers, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Dzovinar Melkonian,
Association des Deux-Catalognes Perpignan, France

relance 19/11

Dear Mr Reijers,

You have not answered my mail 29/10/2013 
It is very important for us to receive notice or advice.
Thank you in advance
Best regards


relance et lettre :

Dear Mr Andreas Möbius,

You have not answered my mail 30/10/2013 
It is very important for us to receive notice or advice.
Thank you in advance
Best regards

Mrs Dzovinar Melkonian
Association Arménienne des Deux-Catalognes (France)

Dzovinar Melkonian


Honorable Mr. Andreas Möbius, We would like to pay to your attention this de


Même lettre + relance à :

Dear President,

You have not answered my mail 30/10/2013 
It is very important for us to receive notice or advice.
Thank you in advance
Best regards

Mrs Dzovinar Melkonian
Association Arménienne des Deux-Catalognes (France)

même lettre et même relance à :
Mr Secretary general,

You have not answered my mail 30/10/2013 
It is very important for us to receive notice or advice.
Thank you in advance
Best regards

Mrs Dzovinar Melkonian
Association Arménienne des Deux-Catalognes (France)

leur réponse  du 20 novembre :

Ibowers@ti​ (
À :
Cc :

Mrs. Dzovinar Melkonian,

The Turkish Van is a longhaired breed of domestic cat with genetic origins in modern Turkey.  In TICA, you would need to have the Breed Committee Chair propose this change and then the Breed Section Members would vote on the change and then the Board of Directors would have to approve the change.  For information on our breed committees and our rules, please see our website at
Leslie Bowers
Business Manager

ma réponse du 21 novembre

Dear Mrs   Leslie  Bowers

Thank you for your email.

Can you tell us that we need to write?

Committees Tica : Lisa Dickie
Genetics Committee : Solveig Pflueger

  or someone else?

Help us, please. thank you very much.

 Best regards

Mrs Dzovinar Melkonian

sa réponse :

I would write to Solveig Pflueger, Genetics Chair,  with a copy to the Turkish Van Committee members:


envoyé le 22 novembre

Dear Mrs Solveig Pflueger

We would like to pay to your attention this demand concerning the “Cat of Van” which is actually enlisted in your nomenclature as “Turkish Van Cat”.
We don’t underestimate the complications that this demand may make troubles to you but we do hope to share a point of view with you, dictated by importance much more than symbolic that’s for us the modification of this name: it would be only justice to merely modify the name “Turkish cat” to “Van Cat”.
In fact, the oldest origin of this cat dates back  to hundreds even thousand

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